* @module @svizzle/utils/[string-string]-[object-object]
import * as _ from 'lamb';
* Return a function expecting an object and returning a new object with keys renamed with the provided function.
* @function
* @arg {function} renameFn - (String -> String) the function renaming keys
* @return {function} - (Object -> Object) the function renaming the object keys
* @example
> rename = renameKeysWith(makePrefixed('--'))
> rename({foo: 1, bar: 2})
{'--foo': 1, '--bar': 2}
* @see https://ascartabelli.github.io/lamb/module-lamb.html#renameWith
* @since 0.9.0
export const renameKeysWith = renameFn => _.pipe([
_.mapWith(([key, value]) => [renameFn(key), value]),